Framework for Verifiable State Transition Functions

Welcome to the framework for verifiable state transition functions.

Given a series of states \( \{ \text{state}_0, \text{state}_1, \dots, \text{state}_{N} \} \), a corresponding series of proofs \( \{ \text{proof}_0, \text{proof}_1, \dots, \text{proof}_{N} \} \), and a series of inputs \( \{ \text{input}_1, \dots, \text{input}_{N} \} \), the verifiable state transition function, denoted as \( \text{vstf} \), is verified incrementally as:

\[ \forall i \in \{ 1, \dots, N \} : \text{vstf}(\text{state}_i, \text{state}_{i-1}, \text{proof}_i, \text{proof}_{i-1}, \text{input}_i) = 1 \]

Instruction sets for the standard benchmark are currently in progress.